Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Duration: 02:07 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-11 10:40:35
User: tlg847
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Cell phone vid response to Renetto


TruthTaste ::: Favorites
Renetto is so out there, what if we had another "Hitler" come about, kill him with kindness?
06-12-12 19:40:13
tlg847 ::: Favorites
I think, at the ends of the spectrum, the choices are easier. Demogogues stand out. I think Renetto's talking about building a base of relationships among common people in different cultures through this remarkable new medium. What impact could that have? I think the question's a good one.
06-12-12 19:54:36
bugfood ::: Favorites
This is a very interesting question. Will things like YT weaken government's ability to control their people? Put a different way, will more people start paying attention to things like YT than to things like Rupert Murdoch's new (Fox in the US)?
06-12-12 15:59:00
renetto ::: Favorites
Anothe great response from you... thank you so much.
06-12-11 16:05:45
tlg847 ::: Favorites
I appreciate that, Paul. Thanks.
06-12-11 16:17:32
mgpapas ::: Favorites
I made a comment, but it didn't take. I agree that limited interconnectivity will happen. The problem is who will we hear from. I know people who have made videos in countries where civil wars are taking place and yet they've never mentioned it. The fact is in some countries we'll hear from the 5% who control the wealth, and support the status quo, while we'll hear nothing, or very little, from the 95% who live in poverty.
06-12-11 14:11:16
mgpapas ::: Favorites
Those type of things will give some people a very unrealistic view of the reality in those countries.
06-12-11 14:12:34
ExperimentsinHonesty ::: Favorites
With the number of cell phones in use worldwide hitting 2 billion and rising, recycled phones are playing a crucial role in the spread of wireless communications across the developing world, where land lines can be costly or unavailable. - APWire It's easy to find places to donate your phone, which usually helps local charities or even sell your phone and make a little money.
06-12-11 12:00:03
lmirchin ::: Favorites
Great response! BTW, the cellphone makes your hair look blonde!
06-12-11 11:23:58
tlg847 ::: Favorites
Ooo...I'll have to shoot more posts on phone, then! Maybe a new ad campaign: "Only his video editor knows for sure..."
06-12-11 13:52:43

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