Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Duration: 06:07 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-02-26 00:28:40
User: m0r0n0
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A Preview of a kick ass game BLACK.


milj00na ::: Favorites
are there any allies in the game,helping you out?
07-10-01 12:03:07
0smokecrack0 ::: Favorites
LOVE THIS GAME! ... i got it for pa2 and i beat it over 10 times already... the graphs. are wicked!... but one thing... u think the guys at E3 could play there own game better then this =/
07-09-26 16:54:18
m0r0n0 ::: Favorites
It wasn't me that played. This video was made of E3 footage before the game was released. Thanks.
07-09-21 12:51:26
ThisIsSparta707 ::: Favorites
black is best shooter ever i think halo and black are tied but black kicks ass i love killing with the m16
07-09-19 18:14:11
dominicana350 ::: Favorites
dude i gots this game for ps2 the grafics kick ASS!!! best shooting game ever! Everything blowin up, gunz blazin, punching peoples faces in with the back of a gun, people eat lead, hold gernades for me, i can keep goin but then nobody would read this comment.... lol
07-08-13 01:42:24
slaughtersawboy ::: Favorites
play it on HARD or BLACK OPS. thats requires real ownage not normal or easy, thats what u played on
07-08-11 03:37:37
SkateSkate93 ::: Favorites
BLAck is a dream game with all the destruction and explosions XD whats the name of the first song??
07-08-07 07:13:33
marinez7 ::: Favorites
tis is 100% the best game
07-07-30 15:56:18
MrBoykin0 ::: Favorites
who gives a shit its a fucking video Game, and btw have u held shot and reloaded them weapons??? u dont no shit bout guns
07-07-07 17:31:43
superdude405 ::: Favorites
the # of bullets in each mag are bullshit. its been exagerated
07-05-12 19:55:14

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