Friday, October 19, 2007

Cardiacs - Is This The Life?

Duration: 04:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-06-18 13:57:42
User: zombiegod
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Cardiacs - Is This The Life - Promo Video


shermer75 ::: Favorites
You can buy there back catalogue on their website, under "merchandise"
07-10-08 08:37:28
bezale ::: Favorites
hey kev.
07-09-05 20:32:25
bezale ::: Favorites
wow. I remember The Cardiacs from stonhenge 1984, & a mate of mine, KS, was fanatical...then i forgot to listen again until now...Fantastic. This is extremely good i think.
07-09-05 20:31:33
kyberwolf ::: Favorites
I have just got into this band. I haven't had a favorite band since i was 7, after seeing 'creep' on totp. I'm now 21 and am about to get into some heart-enfused back-tracking. I think I'm off to Nottingham Rock City 15th November. I think if people don't see them the world is more screwd up than i last thought TOP ALBUMS: - Air: 10,000 HZ Legend Spiritualized: Ladies & Gentlemen We're Floating In Space The Wedding Present: Seamonsters And Now, CARDIACS.
07-08-24 13:00:56
irriducibili63 ::: Favorites
Cardiacs In ROme in 1994 (i presume) the best concert I've ever seen !!! Is this the life is one of the most beautiful songs in rock history
07-08-11 12:41:39
guanire ::: Favorites
One fo my 5 top favorite songs of ALL times... and i am 44 years old and have seen a lot of water under the bridge.
07-08-11 05:09:44
v8viva ::: Favorites
saw these about 20 years ago at the roadmender in northampton....very weird evening but blew our minds away at the time
07-08-07 17:18:43
Raaben ::: Favorites
Simply amazing. One of the best songs from one of the best bands ever. It's a shame that I can't find any of their albums anywhere.
07-08-03 18:21:56
nikspeed3 ::: Favorites
Sheer profundity. The best song ever
07-08-03 13:58:33
TheMolk ::: Favorites
I first saw Cardiacs supporting Here & Now at the Marquee Club in London, sometime in 83 I think. I saw their soundcheck first and thought they were weird but good. When they came on for their main set they were all dressed up and looked like living corpses which was very scary. I took some photos of them and particularly remember Sarah grinning insanely at me through the lens.
07-08-02 09:20:08

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