Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Flight sim Air France 747 landing at TNCM

Duration: 03:37 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-26 11:34:40
User: michaelpece
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An Air France 747-400 lands at TNCM


DJSomerfield ::: Favorites
You don't have the arm the spoilers. Aslong as you put them up during landing it's okay. Many pilots don't arm spoilers, they wait until they are on the ground and set them themselves.
07-06-21 03:44:51
michaelpece ::: Favorites
I would normally of armed them though but I forgot!
07-06-21 07:51:02
michaelpece ::: Favorites
I forgot, but I landed safley didn't I? Yes the company manager would of had to have a word with me!
07-06-09 06:27:30
pdjpeter ::: Favorites
why didnt you arm the spolier surely that rules out pilot error on landing
07-06-09 06:18:56
michaelpece ::: Favorites
Thanxs! Did u notice that on touchdown the gear vanished and then came back! that ruined to whole vid!
07-06-08 13:47:25
kc1876 ::: Favorites
nice smooth landing
07-06-08 13:44:14
michaelpece ::: Favorites
I never use them!
07-06-07 11:21:44
DJSomerfield ::: Favorites
Again i must just point out: No Autobrakes were set, helps slow down alot quicker.
07-06-07 11:20:52

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