Thursday, October 4, 2007

ok im back

Duration: 03:20 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-20 19:03:44
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jees took me long enough


lannapoox3 ::: Favorites
who ever it is theyer cute
07-08-09 20:07:53
Marie25947 ::: Favorites
sorry to hear that your girlfriend broke upn with you. You will find that you will have many girlfriends before you find the right one and marry her
07-05-27 13:49:25
DARKREGIS ::: Favorites
dont im over her she's was'nt my type to begin with i just did'nt know it should of gone friends then worked my up but nope had to ask before i knew her eh? but its all good im currently on the prowl again ^_-
07-05-25 00:31:27
Rafael3122 ::: Favorites
sorry about your girlfriend i wish i had some advice but the only thing i can come up with is to give her some time and space she will come around if she like you.there are more fish in the sea
07-05-24 23:39:50
Rafael3122 ::: Favorites
yeah a new video you rock keep them coming
07-05-24 23:34:51

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