Saturday, January 5, 2008

Register Republican and help Ron Paul win the primaries

Duration: 05:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-04 15:17:35
User: blahinhawaii
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Google "Rex 84" For the love of God if you haven't yet joined a Ron Paul meetup, get hooked up NOW! It will tie you in to nationwide network of communication. "Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power." -Benito Mussolini


TrueSamaritan ::: Favorites  2007-12-26 23:42:25

We are being pushed into a fascist style WW2 Germany people - WAKE UP AND RESIST BEFORE IT'S TO LATE!!! GO RON PAUL!!!
bg4u2 ::: Favorites  2007-12-04 20:11:29

It is not Republicans vs. Democrats, it is Globalist Fascist vs. Ron Paul. The MSM hopes to keep it a isolated Blue vs. Red vote (without Ron Paul).....because then they will win no matter who is voted in. I just talked to someone yesterday....they like Ron Paul but BELIEVE he is not a front-runner....they named Goul-iana and Romney. I asked them why they BELIEVED that???? Their response...."Because the MSM tells us who the front-runners are." Just like dumb sheep lead to the slaughter.
hewolfe ::: Favorites  2007-11-13 00:32:47

Beware! My girl and myself sent our paperwork to The Board of Elections to change our party and promptly received our new registration cards. After examining the cards I am still registered Libertarian and she is still an Independent. We need to get the word out to everone changing parties to check their new cards ASAP. If you are unsure please call your local office to find out what party they have you affiliated with. Please forward and post this everywhere possible.
G5F4D3S2A1 ::: Favorites  2007-10-24 04:34:40

hope we can vote using the FOX phone poll and not the rigged voting machines! lol
blahinhawaii ::: Favorites  2007-10-21 19:15:01

Also, watch my video on the historic event taking place on November 5th for Ron Paul. Go to the "thisNovember5th" website and RSVP!
orsino2 ::: Favorites  2007-10-21 12:49:35

Yeah, I am filling out my registration form on my other browser tab as I watch this... just thought I'd google registering and see how many folks beat me to it.
basszack ::: Favorites  2007-10-19 19:02:26

thank you!!!
blahinhawaii ::: Favorites  2007-10-18 22:15:44

The CFR, with robert pastor's "toward a north american community", is fulfilling the trilateral commission's plan of an authoritarian world government...see my video "?north american union?" where the former and future president of Mexico confesses that this is what he and bush agreed to, CFR says by 2010. The executive orders for martial law to dismiss congress, suspend the constitution to "restore order," the 2002 rumsfeld agreement to put canada under norcom military command are in place.
blahinhawaii ::: Favorites  2007-10-18 22:15:37

it is a cover of tears for fears original version of mad world by an obscure artist who did if for the donnie darko it gets used for all kinds of soundtracks.
blahinhawaii ::: Favorites  2007-10-18 22:13:34

The CFR, with robert pastor's "toward a north american community", is fulfilling the trilateral commission's plan of an authoritarian world government...see my video "?north american union?" where the former and future president of Mexico confesses that this is what he and bush agreed to, CFR says by 2010. The executive orders for martial law to dismiss congress, suspend the constitution to "restore order," the 2002 rumsfeld agreement to put canada under norcom military command are in place.
basszack ::: Favorites  2007-10-16 14:03:41

is this comment for me?
willow2947 ::: Favorites  2007-10-16 13:34:13

Media censoring Ron Paul. What are they afraid of? Probably that he's the Only one in the bunch except Tancredo that's for truth justice and the 'Real' American way (Superman)!!. That he's Not a NAU Anti American globalist, Actually loves his Country (what's left of it) and is willing Do Something Stop it's demise. This kind of censorship should Not be Allowed (period) Vote Ron Paul 2008 ...
basszack ::: Favorites  2007-10-15 12:12:46

great!!!what was the song there at the end?i can't remember who did it.
Firep0w3r ::: Favorites  2007-10-15 02:27:14

Yep, Ron Paul needs a shot at America.
FactsjustFacts ::: Favorites  2007-10-05 02:10:15

This is some scary sh*t, thank you! train cars like the cars used by the Nazi's-does the sleeping herd think they will not be on those cars? if yes, then you are truly the ignorant-is it blissful? If you think you grieved on 9 11 01, the conspiracy being put into action against people will make that look like a walk through the park. Rense(dot)com has a list of 600 camps!!! Wake up America!

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