Thursday, September 20, 2007

Legend of Dragoon - Boss Fight #18 - Kamuy

Duration: 09:33 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-01 14:12:57
User: Cyril86
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Demon's Dance!... is HARDER THAN I REMEMBERED. xD


GameOverV1 ::: Favorites
That doesn't matter in boss battles, though! That's my point! For 2x or 3x the MP cost (I forget which), you'd expect more from the summon. And don't even get me STARTED on how Rose's Dark Dragon summon does next-to-NONE damage the further you get into the game!! Then ... that's just nit-picking. LoD is AWESOME!!!
07-08-08 04:08:16
Cyril86 ::: Favorites
Well the Fire Dragon does hit all enemies...
07-08-06 03:15:28
GameOverV1 ::: Favorites
I always found it funny how Dart's "Final Burst" would do the EXACT SAME DAMAGE as the Fire Dragon Summon!! I mean, there was NO POINT in summoning the Fire Dragon!!
07-08-06 00:24:56
LightZorel ::: Favorites
Wow, Kamuy literally bit Meru at 1:52 but the game says that the attack missed...
07-07-26 04:16:28
sgxagg ::: Favorites
how do u get to kamuy
07-06-26 20:33:47
tiagUhG ::: Favorites
FINAL BURST...ahah one of my favorite magic attack This game is Good...Very Good.. I love it
07-06-06 12:26:56
ArmoredFighter ::: Favorites
Kamuy drops the Darkness Stone
07-06-04 06:37:52
Sephiroth120 ::: Favorites
Kamuy <3's meru xD
07-06-01 01:23:27
ChaosDragon12 ::: Favorites
Kamuy was always my favorite optional bosses.
07-05-09 22:51:03
fungoof07 ::: Favorites
i use miranda (or shana), rose and, dart :)
07-04-24 22:28:44

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