Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Haunting Ground - Dirty Little Secret

Duration: 03:26 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-05-19 15:08:44
User: dragonazul85
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This video has been dancing around in my head ever since I saw the D ending. It's weird, but I'm weird, so it works. Hope you enjoy! =D!! Song: All American Rejects-Diry Little Secret Edit: I changed part of the ending, so I reuploaded it.


BrianMctitties ::: Favorites
this was ass kicking. i loved it
07-07-28 00:40:59
lilluda2007 ::: Favorites
wat a bollgey pussy lol joking people
07-07-24 12:48:55
Kanubios ::: Favorites
I thought the music matched the scense very well. The ending was cool with her laughing in the back ground and such. My fav parts wwas with Daniella, she's my favorite character.. Next to Hewie.. xD
07-06-17 15:55:12
adasmini67 ::: Favorites
07-05-13 17:25:15
SnarkyBitch ::: Favorites
Technically, Riccardo is her uncle :-\
07-05-12 16:20:07
evileagle10 ::: Favorites
how the hell do u get raccardo??? how do u even now there names!?!?!?!...but yes the end to that was creepy
07-04-22 11:53:14
adasmini67 ::: Favorites
awesome and yea riccardo is a dirty little bastard raping "his own daughter".PERV!
07-03-08 05:29:08
rekrap123456789 ::: Favorites
ok.... creepy has a new meaning
06-12-29 16:20:20
AMAL1A ::: Favorites
that's alright. that's probably the only way i'll be able to see it!
06-12-23 15:11:42
dragonazul85 ::: Favorites
Sorry about spoiling the D ending for you, I'm bad about doing that in my videos.
06-12-23 13:34:46

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