Friday, November 2, 2007

Stayceyann Chin "Feminist or a Womanist"

Duration: 04:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-24 15:44:57
User: Levica
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Jamaican Chinese American Lesbian Poet tears it up.


omarkhalid ::: Favorites
Dyke poetry like dyke conversations never make sense. They are always asking people to forgo the basic teachings of morality to try and comprehend insanity.
07-10-31 11:07:41
oORockMyHoleOo ::: Favorites
beautiful beautiful BEAUTIFUL!!! definately a great thinker and an even more powerful deliverer!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!
07-10-14 23:49:18
lucudonnyj443 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for nudity. I like the website _SWEETDATEZ.COM_ -lucudonnyj443
07-10-09 06:46:05
Verlch ::: Favorites
Yeah, especially if those statistics come from the math wizards in the feminist folds!
07-10-09 02:16:13
Taboggle ::: Favorites
57% of all statistics are made up on the spot
07-10-09 01:45:13
blahblahblahman ::: Favorites
About her seems really scatter-brained...and has nothing to do with the damn title itself. I mean, what does her being half chinese, and Jesus Christ (his ethnic background and all, and his preference for what to drink have to do with her being a womanist or a feminist?
07-10-03 23:10:05
blahblahblahman ::: Favorites
anarchacaterpillar>>And you, are a fucking idiot.
07-10-03 23:07:22
Danyell214 ::: Favorites
I never said that was true. But if there are so many single (presumably straight) mothers, it can't be that they all left their children's father? Which means there's a 50/50 shot that it is the dad that did the leaving. Right? It's basic logic.
07-09-28 11:23:58
ugottabeer ::: Favorites
what makes you think its the fathers who are always bailing out?
07-09-28 10:35:35
Danyell214 ::: Favorites
1998:A new nationwide study refutes the theory that kids in single-mother homes are disadvantaged because they lack presence of a father.Researchers at Ohio State University compared a sample of 456 15&16-yr-olds who lived in single-father homes w/ 2,583 teens who lived in single-mother homes.Results showed that the 2groups wr very similar in terms of deviance & behavior at school, relationships w/ others & school performance once factors such as family income&parent education are accounted for.
07-09-26 21:07:20

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