Monday, October 29, 2007

Guy tries to rape girl got killed

Duration: 03:21 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-10 15:12:06
User: skyddsobjekt
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Guy raping


jellymill ::: Favorites
that was disgusting but he deserved it for what he tried to do to that girl. Every rapist deserves this type of an end...except they should have castrated him first instead of trying to rescue him.
07-10-29 17:23:51
layton540 ::: Favorites
what was the movie???
07-10-29 16:35:56
Scorpilingus88 ::: Favorites
that was a cool clip
07-10-29 10:08:30
Scorpilingus88 ::: Favorites
i think someone should repost the title of this movie because im to lazy to click "view all comments"... and that just about how i feel right now even though i am gunna check all the previous comments..
07-10-29 10:06:22
MORTALSTAR007 ::: Favorites
I like the part when he screams! He screams like a fag! XD
07-10-28 23:53:16
anbera1 ::: Favorites
07-10-28 21:08:28
RxNightmare ::: Favorites
wow talk about a streak of bad luck
07-10-28 19:25:46
sm0othcrim1nul ::: Favorites
07-10-28 13:55:14
xRockerChick123x ::: Favorites
holy shit that was some sick shit!
07-10-28 00:57:10
cloehoho ::: Favorites
Dangerous sex, will you survive. click on my name.
07-10-27 19:31:47

Falco - Jeanny Part 4

Duration: 04:20 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-19 07:43:31
User: boon3000
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Description: Das ist der Battlefield Flavour. besucht mal unsere Homepage.


brodpfandl6 ::: Favorites
dieses "lied" ist eine beileidigung, für FALCO(RIP) und für seine fans!!!!! jeder der so einen dreck unter dem namen eines unnacharmlichen künstlers an den mann bringen will, gehört einggesperrt, lebenslang!!!!!!
07-10-28 12:21:34
ElvisGraceland1 ::: Favorites
siehste, Elvis lässt man auch nich ruhen!
07-10-27 12:33:48
MaddinNds ::: Favorites
Mir ist ganz egal von wem das Leid ist aber der Text sollte endlich mal zum Nachdenken anregen!!!! Wie sieht es denn bei uns aus? ganz genau wie im Text beschrieben: irgend ein *Zensur* macht worauf er grad Lust hat und benutzt dafür Kinder und Erwachsene! Danach kommt der gute Vater Staat und will ihn verkancken und ein dahergelaufener Gutachter meinte der Kerl könne nix dafür, es ist halt passiert..... Wo bleibt da die Gerechtigkeit??? Stoppt Tierversuche!!! nehmt Triebtäter!!!!!!
07-10-23 17:16:06
DanceMephisto ::: Favorites
So ein scheiß Peter Orloff Cover.Eine Beleidigung für Falco
07-10-23 07:07:28
falcofreak15 ::: Favorites
Dieses Lied ist eine Beleidigung für Hansi ^^. Ich finde es total unverschämt ..... Alle wollen nur Geld mit ihm machen auch nach seinem Tod.Ich finde das einfach nur schrecklich sowas hat keiner ,besonders er nicht verdient ....Lasst ihn doch bitte alle in Frieden Ruhen . Falco R.I.P
07-10-18 09:43:17
perrypearl ::: Favorites
Det kannst laut sagen!!!
07-10-04 18:20:10
Fliegenpilzin ::: Favorites
Falco war einfach genial. "Jeanny" ist, trotz dem Thema einer meiner absoluten Lieblingssongs. Aber soll denn bitte DAS??? Hans Hoelzel war zu Lebzeiten ein vom Pech verfolgter Mensch, und dass sie ihn nach seinem Tod noch so vermarktet haben, macht es nur noch schlimmer. Rest in peace, Hans!!! Wir werden dich nie vergessen!!!
07-09-09 10:29:05
KleinDenise ::: Favorites
Wobei der Text beim 2. Mal hören gat nich sooo schlecht ist aber... hmmm
07-09-06 10:32:55
KleinDenise ::: Favorites
Was ist das??? Also, wenn jemand denkt, er könne aus Jeanny I-III irgendwie in irgendeiner Weise eine weitere Story machen, sollte er wenigstens so singen können, das er Falco auch nur im Ansatz erreicht, ein wenig fantasievoller texten oder wenigstens Playback und ein vernünftiges Viedeo machen... Meine Meinung ^^ Mag sein, dass ich ein wenig kritisch bin, da ich mit Leib und Seele Falco-Fan bin, aber mir gefällt es nicht... LG
07-09-06 10:29:52
Voenchen ::: Favorites
But... This song IS connected to the Jeanny-Story, not clear visible but there is a connection.
07-09-05 17:59:26

Yabang O Panget

Duration: 06:42 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-01-07 19:49:55
User: mikomi2001
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Another clip of Yabang o Panget segment from Bubble Gang Please visit


sexytback ::: Favorites
07-10-21 13:53:58
phillypino267 ::: Favorites
"pussydog, hotdog, hot pussy" LMAO
07-08-25 23:06:01
glasskitty ::: Favorites
lol maghipo hooo hooo :D lol
07-06-24 01:09:34
jenarusi ::: Favorites
lol pussydog pussy ahahahaha muntik nako ma laglag from my chair
07-06-19 01:19:38
yuyuyuyu10 ::: Favorites
sexy prin kmi khit mrmi BUNI nyahaaha
07-06-13 08:38:13
tambulag ::: Favorites
hap dog hap
07-06-06 23:59:08
groover5320681 ::: Favorites
although im a TFC subscriber, GMA still rocks! meron bang variety show ang abs-cbn na umabot ng 27 years..None! Eat bulaga does..and still going stronger!!!
07-06-02 08:58:01
simpinini ::: Favorites
07-05-26 22:20:15
simpinini ::: Favorites
better daw eh ang sakit sa tenga ng boses nila!!! di ba nila alam na nakakayamot sila. kapuso pa rin!!!
07-05-26 22:18:04
simpinini ::: Favorites
you're wrong!!!!!
07-05-26 22:16:10

Raven Symone-True To Your Heart

Duration: 04:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-21 13:11:38
User: MileyCyrus1Fan4Life
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Heres another raven song i think its for disneys movie Mulan..Anways ENJOY,:D


irrelevantmaverick ::: Favorites
yeah! after listening to the original True to Ur Heart, it led me to this one^o^ thanks for uploading this vid
07-10-15 21:42:24
gabster406 ::: Favorites
07-08-09 08:08:52
AngelRaie ::: Favorites
whoooo! go raven
07-07-16 06:28:27
MirageofMoonlight ::: Favorites
i love this song =)))) thanks for uploding
07-05-26 15:15:53
Your welcome.
07-05-18 16:27:14
vidhead85 ::: Favorites
Thank you
07-05-18 16:14:07
You said it vidhead85!
07-05-17 21:07:45
vidhead85 ::: Favorites
I'd have to say. I like the original version better because I saw that one first. Great song and I think they matched it up to her vocals perfectly. I gotta say that she is a rare jewel our there in the industry
07-05-17 16:51:52
AMSV001 ::: Favorites
raven is the best
07-05-06 17:42:59
Why can't more of these actresses today be more like Raven?.. She's one of the most talented singers/actresses out there today...
07-04-30 03:10:28

Re: Transformers Movie 2007 rant on why it sucked!

Duration: 03:28 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-08 22:31:27
User: punkmagic
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my rant,man it did suck and ill prove it


FlamingJen ::: Favorites
WHAT'S UR PROBLEM BUDDY this movie Transformers 2007 was like the best movie i have ever seen and Guess what they did not narrow it down for the Transformers selection they were their like in every seen in car form or robot form they were their and if u thought they weren't take a look at the backround. SOOO don't speak CRAP cuz this wasn't.
07-10-27 10:03:53
tarasvoice ::: Favorites
its garbage!!! yyou just like the special effects
07-10-25 07:16:04
knux5 ::: Favorites
I agree with you on some points. But there are a few things that have been left out. 1. There were about four books before this movie came out, but does any one read the books before seeing the movie anymore? Noooo.... 2. Megatron being a gun? His jet form, hell his tank form in the new cartoons made sense, but a GUN? Seriously, who'd fire him? 3. And i agree, they should've had a Transformers track in the movie. Thats all...
07-10-24 19:54:37
DreadRaptor85 ::: Favorites
Megatron turning into a gun is like Darth Vadar turning into his own light saber and having somebody else swing him around. Plus there is the whole size changing thing.
07-10-21 06:33:38
ZeroGuy7 ::: Favorites
So this is were all haters hang out..
07-10-18 16:35:21
PinkBob88 ::: Favorites
It's been delayed/cancelled because of insufficient funds. <The halo movie
07-10-17 16:25:39
DreadRaptor85 ::: Favorites
All movies made now that were originally a cartoon, comic book, or video game becomes a movie simply because of profit incentive. A lot of people like Halo. Halo, a film by Peter Jackson. 2009 or 2010 or something....
07-10-17 00:59:21
punkmagic ::: Favorites
right on. they sould moke the move right and do just that with all the funds, as a soory to the fans, im wondering who did they make it for. it wasnt the fans
07-10-13 23:53:06
punkmagic ::: Favorites
i was thinking tha same thing.....100%
07-10-13 23:51:33
thatmclovinguy ::: Favorites
I would rather gargle diarrhea than watch this film again. And what was up with Jazz? A hip-hop robot? Could that be any more stupid?
07-10-13 18:11:50

KITT destroyed knight rider

Duration: 03:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-12 01:28:26
User: fordtruck2007
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Junk yard dog


Ovechkin81 ::: Favorites
So lame that you can see after the car is brought from the pond/w.e that the interior has been completely stripped
07-10-23 13:37:30
jerry726 ::: Favorites
Bonnie blamed KITT's destruction on global warming. HA..HA
07-10-15 23:21:27
CoolioMasta ::: Favorites
God that's so fake I can't help laughing. I hate it when they use crappy models on some scenes.
07-10-12 05:29:53
ChakatBlackstar ::: Favorites
I wonder just how many times they had to do a near total rebuild of KITT in the show.
07-10-07 19:38:06
neonoutlaw007 ::: Favorites
lol i rember this episode XD so sad when kitt falls in
07-10-07 01:18:18
trevstryder20 ::: Favorites
wow so sad hes dead was that the last ep
07-10-03 01:22:34
CamiloSanchez1979 ::: Favorites
oh guys come on, this was the 80s ,they made this with all their love, look at it as the good old fashioned real acting and drama, not like today's high tech bullshit, heartless crap.
07-10-01 05:23:52
Mowac ::: Favorites
That's what shows did back then to cut down on the using miniatures...They did the same with the latter "Dukes of Hazzard" shows.
07-09-28 23:28:33
Roberteencubelo0 ::: Favorites
- Ja , ja Agustin1978 , asi nos han engañado de esa manera que tu dices , no se puede aguantar por que es gente mala . - Adios .
07-08-31 06:34:50
PanZheXin ::: Favorites
Special effects lame. You can tell that kitt is just a plastic model in smaller size. Also story line of that happening so fast is unrealistic. But Knight Rider was a good show back then.
07-08-29 13:48:19

Japanese Robot Fighting

Duration: 00:53 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-06-25 07:50:27
User: xiaowen1212
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Japanese Robot Fighting


ffdgertt ::: Favorites
nice handstand in the start
07-10-23 18:04:09
Jihada ::: Favorites
yeaah!!! next wars will be robots against robots!!! no soldiers anymore!! then they are gonna get agaisnt us and we will have to fight them!!!! SOO COOOL!!!
07-10-09 10:46:32
betoski ::: Favorites
07-10-06 16:20:41
thething889 ::: Favorites
07-09-29 21:15:04
superpocoyooo ::: Favorites
esta en la naturaleza humana el destruirnos , disfrutamos con estas cosas , el ver hacerce daño, ya sea entre humanos , animales e incluso robots?
07-09-24 13:02:31
kazenokizumi ::: Favorites
you get an education
07-09-13 23:15:33
judofan ::: Favorites
See that's the power of education. I feel sorry for the MTV kids when they get older and find out that the world has past them by because they think it's cool to be stupid. Type in Stupid in America here on youtube and you will feel like I do. Man we are FUCKED!!!
07-09-13 20:03:12
Jshaw71 ::: Favorites
oh, ok that's kinda cheap, thanks for the reply
07-09-13 15:45:08
hellfire6333 ::: Favorites
pretty damn impressive... they can do all those tricks .. WOW .. wonder when will Japs make Gundams =0
07-09-13 03:00:06
askal999 ::: Favorites
risin9sun you're so stupid..... if you didnt notice we're on a technology age today??? where are you now??? in a cave????.... stfu!!!
07-09-12 23:04:55

Aquiles Priester- Running Alone

Duration: 07:17 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-07-11 23:23:37
User: reyrod
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This is one of the best drummers in the world, this clip is from a drum clinic that he did, the song is played on drums together with a sound machine wich play background sounds like the bass, guitars and vocals. enjoy it


dustyivey89 ::: Favorites
damn.that is fucking sick!
07-10-28 22:27:34
soquete98 ::: Favorites
is the best drumer of the word
07-10-09 15:03:35
Blitzkrieg636 ::: Favorites
It's nice to read sound comments like these. I agree, though i must admit i'm a huge slipknot fan. I'd quote almost everything reneweise just said, highlighting the fact that Aquiles is waaaaay more creative (to such an extent that what you're listening to can be thought of as a "drum composition" instead of just a "drum line"). Joey's drum solos suck, they're just too fast and random (i'm a drummer myself and i've been let down by all of them)
07-09-08 01:00:53
tbarbuch ::: Favorites
I just wanna know why the hell Joey comes up in the comments. Joey is good, however he isn't God.
07-08-30 03:58:13
hazzardlight ::: Favorites
umm his good but not that good when you look all throw it but yer his pretty good to rember all of that it amazing i forget it all lol his double bass drumming is amazing all in time
07-08-26 20:55:38
rol0511 ::: Favorites
what a talented drummer!
07-08-22 02:22:12
jd2000ad ::: Favorites
croikey!! hes great aint he!!
07-08-17 07:39:18
odnas3 ::: Favorites
that was amazing. the intro was the best though
07-08-14 16:21:37
thrillaice ::: Favorites
this shit iz beautiful and i hate rock music
07-08-07 00:43:49
baz101 ::: Favorites
wow dude ur fukin amazin :D n yh man i gorra say he beta than joey , soz dude it gorra b sed
07-08-02 15:03:20

James Bond - Nightfire [perfect trailer]

Duration: 02:03 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-13 08:51:32
User: George4790
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The best trailer I've ever seen for a video game. & I know!! Sorry about the pixels towards the end, that's Youtube's fault - not mine. If you want to download it, go to the website shown on the video.


1156778 ::: Favorites
great gmes
07-10-21 11:47:52
antaresdraco ::: Favorites
i love taht game so much ..:D yesterday, i had to reinstall PC, an d today, im goin for this game to friend :D
07-10-21 05:46:55
UberProGamer ::: Favorites
this game is awsome
07-10-18 15:10:26
JonathanKitto ::: Favorites
5 star!
07-10-10 20:38:20
crazdesi ::: Favorites
i want th3 []ld jam3s t[] b3 back in th3 n3w m[]iv3s
07-10-07 02:59:46
psycogiannis ::: Favorites
polly wraio. mbravo!!!
07-10-06 14:51:36
gotaloka143 ::: Favorites
this rocks ass
07-10-06 07:23:24
Nigerneckhobit ::: Favorites
I have pc versio but consol versio is more better.:D STILL GOOD GAME AND GOOD TRAILER
07-10-01 14:54:09
Savunen ::: Favorites
from Russia with love is the best if in multiplayer can kill enemies =(
07-09-28 12:03:05
jaymz1234567 ::: Favorites
Best james bond game ever made.
07-09-25 17:26:26

Africa you never see on tv

Duration: 10:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-02 11:37:10
User: olalekanhs
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THis is a presentation i made for africa night at utah state university so i figured every body should see the real africa Algeria · Angola · Benin · Botswana · Burkina Faso · Burundi · Cameroon · Cape Verde · Central African Republic · Chad · Democratic Republic of the Congo · Republic of the Congo · Comoros · Côte d'Ivoire · Djibouti · Egypt1 · Equatorial Guinea · Eritrea · Ethiopia · Gabon · The Gambia · Ghana · Guinea-Bissau · Guinea · Kenya · Lesotho · Liberia · Libya · Madagascar · Malawi · Mali · Mauritania · Mauritius · Morocco · Mozambique · Namibia · Niger · Nigeria · Rwanda · Senegal · Seychelles · Sierra Leone · Somalia · South Africa · Spain2 · Sudan · Swaziland · São Tomé and Príncipe · Tanzania · Togo · Tunisia · Uganda · Zambia · Zimbabwe


thegentlerthings ::: Favorites
BORN IN NIGERIA.... BORN IN AFRICA LOL! MUCH LOCE TO ALLLLLLLL AFRICANS AFRICA UNITE, norht, west,east and south. It's one love baby!!
07-10-28 15:24:16
LADSAR ::: Favorites
have you seen how the whites have takin advantage of the africans just because they think we are pour and we dont have brains, these whites have put us in shame and they still do it. what kind of welcome does an african have if they are in the western. my opinion is do not welcom whites in africa period!
07-10-27 20:25:21
hot2dmax ::: Favorites
It's not in Africa's nature not to welcome people in. It's just not.
07-10-27 18:06:17
hot2dmax ::: Favorites
first of all, africa does not emulate europe standards - it's the other way around. Civilization started in Egypt and from there it spread around. African architecture is nothing like European's. There will always be poor people, otherwise how could you tell who's rich, and social classes can never ever end.
07-10-27 18:02:36
KoussKoussKlan ::: Favorites
JUKIO01 you stupid americans are just rats in a big lab called the west , they are experiencing on you all kind of chemical shit and social theories , all the food you eat is genetically modified , soon even the freedom you claim to have will be gone forever , I have been in both worlds and trust me the west is the Antichrist paradise which is the real hell and the third world is the anti christ's hell which is the real paradise
07-10-27 12:56:27
jetaimeverseau ::: Favorites
I will be going back to my mother Africa in a very near future. I have got what I came to the West for and that is Education. At least I will be living in a decent house compared to the small flat I am living in here in UK.
07-10-27 11:58:40
islamichitler ::: Favorites
africa is nice, managed properly by the muslims it will be paradise on earth
07-10-27 03:43:25
islamichitler ::: Favorites
dumb ass yanks will put nuclear waste in africa, the pharmecutical companys already test new medicines on africans with often deadly results , dont trust americans or british
07-10-27 03:42:33
JUKIO01 ::: Favorites
lol, you are right, everything here in america causes cancer. and you are right with another thing, we will come to africa, kill you guys and take all your resources, and you know what... you wont be able to do shit about it, because their africa! lol AFRICA! hahah, what can africa do!?!?! better if they were all wiped out of the face of the planet.
07-10-27 02:04:22
KoussKoussKlan ::: Favorites
only an idiot american can make such stupid statements , how could america pollute Africa , we are not south america you dumbass , Africa is the less polluted corner in this world , the pollution from your shit hole america won't affect us no matter what , soon you idiots will come to Africa in search for natural seeds of vegetables in Afrika , cause all what you have home is genetically modified garbage that causes CANCERS
07-10-26 04:14:30

Kurt Cobain--Shocking Moments in R&R

Duration: 03:37 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-20 14:39:09
User: Penelope416
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the short-lived life of the legendary singer, Kurt Cobain


crazyskaterkid120 ::: Favorites
yea and now courtney uses all his money to buy heroin
07-10-22 20:27:50
taylorlyn92 ::: Favorites
so inaccurate PATHETIC
07-10-15 18:30:00
kidgelo ::: Favorites
could u at least keep the video camera steady!?!?
07-10-05 14:09:34
ImadouchebagNIlikeit ::: Favorites
The supposed suicide attempt in Rome was Courtney trying to kill Kurt by slipping him a shitload of rohypnol( aka rufies, the date rape drug ). About 2 weeks later, when Kurt and her were back in the U.S., she tried again and well, we all know she succeeded. That fucking money hungry, fame starved whore.
07-10-05 07:17:27
EternalPerfektion ::: Favorites
Kurt was most definitely killed...
07-09-06 06:46:13
kurtkords ::: Favorites
Of course Kurt was killed,El Deuce even admitted on video that courtney offered him 50 G's to kill Kurt.He refused and was found splattered in a car/train wreck only a few weeks later!One day,I hope to see justice for this unforgetable LEGEND!=Kurt^~^
07-08-23 22:14:47
0371998 ::: Favorites
Kurt was killed !!
07-08-23 14:06:46
Xxmollyx ::: Favorites
that make my cry :`( .R.I.P. kurt
07-08-14 14:24:21
Penelope416 ::: Favorites
Kurt cobain had problems. Lots of them. but so does everyone else. Of all the things he did or ever got involved into (the note, his wanting to reitre from music career,) But the thing was if Kurt had this huge drug problem, then why didn't his family or Courtney ever try to help him??? Before he died, there were too many people standing in his way. Now Courtney love, is making money off of everything, his journal, music and other things...
07-08-04 18:10:32
raider2080 ::: Favorites
I fuckin agree man...he was killed...
07-08-04 05:22:31

Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2006 (Part 2)HQ

Duration: 10:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-19 23:14:40
User: topming
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(High Quality)Airhostess Part,Pink Part, Holland romance.......


xericha ::: Favorites
The girl with the baseball bat is brazilian Your name is Jeiza Chiminazzo!!!
07-10-28 19:06:11
xericha ::: Favorites
Go Jessica go jessica!!!
07-10-28 19:03:48
silviaxphobia ::: Favorites
You like to critizie, but I'd like to see you go up there and do that. Not everyones perfect.
07-10-28 15:00:53
Jtazz ::: Favorites
The one with the baseballs bat's walk actually is not that bad i seen worse in the show
07-10-27 21:09:34
ssunflowersamantha ::: Favorites
so fucking speechless
07-10-27 15:17:06
Burgos44 ::: Favorites
jaja!! aii me ncanta este show!!
07-10-26 22:57:26
tellmeJO ::: Favorites
Flavia was so amazing in this show...I really really hope that she is in next years show because her walk is so awesome...
07-10-26 15:32:26
thisnammerSOUL ::: Favorites
07-10-19 22:43:02
kioncoolp867 ::: Favorites
This movie is awesome but youtube will probably just delete it, girls are posting way better uncensored ones on _SWEETDATEZ.COM_ -kioncoolp867
07-10-19 21:13:57
jojnestn ::: Favorites
Does anyone know How I could get a copy of the soundtrack, its awesome!
07-10-19 18:27:15