Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 06:09 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-03 22:05:16
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d1mf1n ::: Favorites
alberto lies and steals
07-08-12 20:40:59
homeborn ::: Favorites
I think Bitch Hillary has already won. Ron Paul is far too smart for American people
07-08-11 13:53:50
DarkCyder9 ::: Favorites
Thank God there a few Honest news reporters left like Olbermann. I agree if both Paul, and Gravel got to the final 2, it would great. But I'd like to see the 1st duel party ticket... Paul-Gravel or Gravel-Paul, depending how the Primaries went. Even tho, I'd like to see All the Parties disolve, all just be Americans. REMEMBER THE PLEDGE "...and to the REPUBLIC, for which it Stands" REBUILD THE REPUBLIC RONPAUL2008
07-08-11 11:56:04
eagleye9 ::: Favorites
If another CFR/Trilat/Bilderberger gets elected, Demon or RePubic; We will get business as usual. Paul, Gravel & Kusinich are Not CFR John Edwards - CFR (D) Rudy Giuliani - CFR (R) Hillary Clinton - CFR (D) John McCain -- CFR (R) Barack Obama -- CFR (D) Mitt Romney -- CFR (R) Christopher Dodd -- CFR (D) Fred Thompson -- CFR (R) Bill Richardson -- CFR (D) Joseph Biden -- CFR (D) Newt Gingrich -- CFR (R) YTSearch "CFR/NAU"
07-08-11 11:19:21
eagleye9 ::: Favorites
Gravel & Kusinich only Anti-CFR Dems.Both are ignored by thier party and MSM. Can you cvercome the CFR "leadership ' of your party? PAUL HAS A CHANCE TO OVERCOME THE SAME SCURGE.
07-08-11 11:18:24
Brawk ::: Favorites
If the presidential race comes down to Gravel and Paul, I'd say America is in pretty damn good hands. If not, get ready for more of the same and worse! I prefer Dr. Ron Paul to stop this insanity from continuing! Olbermann is cool!
07-08-11 11:09:46
juleofdenial ::: Favorites
But what has Paul gotten DONE while in Congress? Mike Gravel stopped the Draft- singlehandedly in 1971. Mike Gravel got the Pentagon Papers read into the Congressional Record, allowing The People access to corruption of the government at the time. I want to see someone with b^lls- someone who shows he stands up for The People- to be my next President. Check out Mike Gravel. He knows how to get things done, even in Washington... Gravel Rocks 2008
07-08-11 09:56:22
1L0V3C1IT ::: Favorites
times they are a changin'
07-08-11 07:55:31
freesouljah ::: Favorites
this is terrible news...not the coverage, but the actual news... 8(
07-08-11 07:39:54
eagleye9 ::: Favorites
KerryVsBush, BushVSGore, BushVsClinton, FordVSCarter. ALL were CFR,TRILATERTAL, BILDERBERGERS. All their cabinets filled with CFR,TRILAT and Bilderbergers. Same this election if Top Tier Candidates get the nominations again. Watch the owned & sold out Main Stream press try to manipulate the voters: You must vote for the lesser of two evils, No one else can win. Don't throw your vote away. Same BS decade after decade. Wake up America! RonPaul2008DODcom
07-08-11 05:03:54

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