Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 08:32 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-27 00:46:36
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globalgringo ::: Favorites
Olbermann is a sodomite and may as well be on Al Jizzeera!
07-09-18 11:12:45
djpresidente ::: Favorites
um, someone should check this man's facts. obama has an incredibly detailed health care plan posted on his website. makes me wonder about some of the other statements he made...
07-08-10 23:02:36
gospelmaestro ::: Favorites
07-07-17 14:45:24
Fixhist ::: Favorites
Iraq and Afghanistan both have terrible inertia to adopt change, that what had justified use of force to dethrone Sadam and Taliban. Surgical circumcision has proven a disaster, any further presence of USA forces abroad is futile to home /international support. While active forces are out there, locals will not be comfortable to resolve their conflicts by meaningful dialog. Let UN peace keepers take control while US gradually withdraws her forces.
07-07-12 22:50:51
citizenjain ::: Favorites
They scramble to find their "position" changing with time. That's why I'm voting Ron Paul. He knows what his positions are by checking back to our U.S. Constitution, no "tweeking" or lying (Hillary).
07-05-24 14:43:43
cardsguy76 ::: Favorites
when the liberal media stops giving barack hussein puff pieces and softball questions and when he was to show substance answers it will be interesting. Another reality will be that his favorite vote in Illinois General Assembly was 'present' on tough issues or he was AWOL on those votes.
07-05-10 03:23:44
killtheneocons ::: Favorites
Mike Gravel was the only candidate who spoke the plain truth which was backed by logic. I don't know how anyone can still support O'bama, Clinton or Edwards after this debate. THOSE, my friends, are second tier candidates. Go Mike! You've got my vote!
07-05-06 18:49:52
holahellomarhabahi ::: Favorites
Amen to that! We need to get out there & spread the word! This country needs a REAL president again. Mike Gravel 08!
07-05-06 17:40:00
firewatter2005 ::: Favorites
people need to upload more clips like this. I prefer funnier stuff myself, check out dolphinhump. lostfrog . com , I laughed so hard I got kicked out of class! haha.
07-05-04 05:25:20
ksol1460 ::: Favorites
Worked to get Kucinich on state primary ballot 2004 and will do so again.
07-04-30 12:01:04

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