Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 05:31 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-28 18:50:20
User: belda67
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More relevant now than ever.

tempact482 ::: Favorites
wow, excelent compilation
07-09-12 22:50:35
VvoicezZ ::: Favorites
07-09-07 04:02:09
RBLA818 ::: Favorites
When Human Beings see a Bombing, they shed a tear and ask why! When Neo-Cons see a Bombing, they have a Sadistic Orgasm and Scream for More! The only thing the Neo-Cons have proven is that they are the Biggest Threat to the World! Put the Neo-Cons behind bars and Give Peace a Chance!!
07-08-21 03:27:49
PeaceProfit ::: Favorites
(((( Critical*Mass - Peoples*Action )))) One*Billion - Global*Citizens - One*Peace Strength, Unity, Peaceful*Change Act*On - Nov. 2nd - 2008 Create the Ripples, Ride the Wave, Be the Peaceful*Change . . .
07-08-09 18:42:10
OperationNorthwoods ::: Favorites
subscribe to account: w w w PNACATTACK c o  m (put letters together!!) Excellent job myf friend!
07-08-06 21:48:34
BoriChumba ::: Favorites
Ohh next time you look in the mirror don't forget to shout ziech heil at yourself! Like me, Ol' Charlie boy was a Gypsy & HATED fascists like you!
07-08-04 13:10:34
Durendal18 ::: Favorites
"even now my voice is reaching millions around the world, victims of a system that makes men torture" Do not despair it's just the man who are afraid of human progress. In the name of DEMOCRACY let us make a new world. And let us all unite.
07-08-04 12:58:43
BoriChumba ::: Favorites
Grow up ypu imbocile
07-08-04 08:24:32
Vence333 ::: Favorites
i think he s talking about zionazisme of the khazars mogols lol
07-08-04 07:12:47
Durendal18 ::: Favorites
It's as if Charlie is speaking about Islam.
07-08-04 05:04:48

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