Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 06:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-10 00:13:44
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arline44chatz ::: Favorites
Nice vid. For hot cams girls try out CAMAZONCAMS dot COM
07-08-26 05:28:20
BattleofTours732 ::: Favorites
Way to go Karl! Thanks for defeating PROGRESSIVE COMMIES Gore and Kerry. Now, its time to get to work on Hillary Clinton. She does not stand a chance.
07-08-14 11:18:17
JohnnyOhio ::: Favorites
Wow pretty interesting conversation you guys are having. I do think that the neo-cons will be looking for an escalation. I can only be good for them right? They will make even more money and they will keep themselves out of jail perhaps...maybe even get the draft.
07-07-27 01:48:51
haaretz2 ::: Favorites
i would be repeating myself, as you have. spam away.
07-07-18 18:13:16
ResearchX ::: Favorites
haaretz2, It will be worth your time when you find yourself in a concentration camp. Check out youtube video series (Police State 2000). Next, they have oil but no refineries because they don't have the tech to build them and England and U.S. won't sell them any. So they need nuclear. Also, nukes tend to hold at bay the Gemini behemoths Britain and U.S.
07-07-18 16:58:02
haaretz2 ::: Favorites
,<b> fields, killing and injuring hurndreds of thousands. gather some facts. would you give a nuclear weapon to a christian group that sees armageddon around the corner. so why do you not object to iran, for this state has the identical belief. as twain said, the only thing worse than facts without an opinion is an opinion without facts. as i said, the left and the right are both equally off the deep end of reason and but opposite sides of the same coin of fascism. spam away. not worth my tim.e
07-07-18 00:09:45
haaretz2 ::: Favorites
,<b> next world more than this one. they are waiting for the 12th iman, the mahdi. they have built him a road that no one may walk upon. they still stone people, and passed a law enabling anyone to sentence anyone under sharia law. they have milita groups devoted to chaos as chaos will preceed the iman. during the war with iraq, they gave 500,000 boys keys to paradise and told them to walk clearing the mine
07-07-18 00:09:28
haaretz2 ::: Favorites
,<b> well, we disagree on iran. check out the channel ryanfl. iran today is a police state. it arrested 150,000 women for showing the hair on their head. hundreds are picked up every month and tortured in jail. union leaders from trades to teachers have been arrested. the state has taken control of the whore houses, and indeeds sell orphan girls to arabs. there are 3 million addicted to heroin. they believe in the
07-07-18 00:09:07
ResearchX ::: Favorites
haaretz2, Thats why he will need blackwater and other American terrorist companies to keep him in power. He will kill those he cannot buy, scare or trick into believing him. Haliburton is already building concentration camps in American and no telling how many in other countries. Mark my words "They will bomb Iran".
07-07-17 23:32:40
haaretz2 ::: Favorites
i do see galloway on your channel. you do know he says the things he says because it makes him rich. as much as i dislike bush, i dislike leftists. they are but two sides of the same coin of fascism. just wanted to make that straight.
07-07-17 22:17:57

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