Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 06:14 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-25 21:01:39
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lindaklase ::: Favorites
Wake up America. The GOVERNMENT is the TERRORIST. CRIMINALS run the Government. Many Republicans AND Democrats. WE freed ourselves from the East India Company during the American Revolution. Don't let complacency and disinterest allow Corporations to turn the US into 1984-Big Brother. The New World Order is composed of greedy Corporate Heads who think we are slaves or to be killed. NEW WORLD ORDER is a philosphy of Tyranny. A People, UNITED, will not be defeated. Strike July 4th
07-06-27 17:50:21
ginerlynn ::: Favorites
You have sufficiently exploited 911,Rudy. You have made millions off speaking engagements on the backs od the dead. You will never be president. Go back down into your rat hole.
07-06-26 15:52:15
lestliness ::: Favorites
No to the crypt keeper for president!!
07-06-26 06:39:11
d1mf1n ::: Favorites
rudy you little shitface
07-06-25 21:32:50
dafttool ::: Favorites
It's nice to see these political incompetents squabbling and backbiting each other. For too long they have diverted attention from their own leadership faults by attacking our enemies...and creating new enemies among us. 9/11 was a disaster scene beyond the actual terrorist attack. America needs to be reminded of how our supposed leaders failed us in our time of need, especially since the GOP has been exploiting that day to undo the foundations of our government.
07-06-25 21:27:56
mag3y ::: Favorites
thanks for posting...
07-06-25 21:18:02
Lungyao1 ::: Favorites
This is the stuff we need to know about! Thanyou for posting this....
07-06-25 21:17:20

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